Coding Standards: The Key to Improving Code Quality In the world of Software Development

21 Sep 2023

Coding standards are often viewed as trivial details.People pay more attention to algorithms, architecture and function implementation, but often turn a blind eye to code layout and formatting. However, I firmly believe that coding standards are a key factor in improving code quality and can have a profound impact on developer learning, team collaboration, and the final software product.

Coding Standards and Learning a Programing Language

First, let’s explore the importance of coding standards for learning a programming language. When learning a new programming language, beginners often face syntax and convention challenges. At this point, a good coding standard can serve as a guide to help newbies understand how to write code correctly. For Python, for example, the PEP 8 specification provides detailed code formatting recommendations, including indentation, naming conventions, and comment styles. Not only does this help with code readability, it also helps new programmers better understand the core concepts of the language. Coding standards and team collaboration

In team collaboration, coding standards are even more indispensable. When multiple developers work together, a consistent coding style can reduce confusion and conflicts. Team members can more easily understand and review each other’s code without wasting time and energy on formatting issues. In addition, appropriate coding standards can reduce unnecessary arguments during the code review process and focus the review on more important issues such as quality, performance, and security.

Impressions of ESLint and IntelliJ

My impressions about the cooperation between ESLint and IntelliJ are very positive. ESLint is a JavaScript code quality tool that checks your code for syntax errors and potential issues and formats it according to predefined coding specifications. When used with an integrated development environment such as IntelliJ IDEA, it can provide real-time feedback during the development process to ensure that the code complies with specifications. While it may sometimes feel painful to get the green check mark, it is extremely useful. Not only does it allow me to quickly find and fix errors in my code, it also ensures that all members of the team are following the same coding standards. This helps keep the codebase clean and consistent.

Other Values of Coding Standards

In addition to the above aspects, coding standards have other important values. It can improve the maintainability of code and make it easier to understand and modify. It can also increase the readability of the code and help locate and solve problems quickly. Additionally, coding standards can improve the testability of your code because consistent formatting and structure make unit tests easier to write and maintain.

In summary, while coding standards may be considered a trivial detail, they are critical to improving code quality, accelerating learning, and improving team collaboration. By adopting appropriate coding standards, developers can more easily write high-quality code, teams can collaborate more smoothly, and ultimately deliver more reliable and maintainable software products. Therefore, do not underestimate the value of coding standards, they are a valuable resource in the programming world.