Current perspectives on AI

21 Nov 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the field of education, revolutionizing traditional teaching methods and offering innovative solutions to enhance the learning experience. The integration of AI technologies in education brings about personalized learning, adaptive systems, and intelligent assistance, creating a dynamic and tailored educational environment.

Personal Experience with AI

1.Experience WODs

For the some WODs it is useful to use AI. It helped me reduce a lot of time and study effectively but not all of them will work. For example, the requirements for designing web pages are not acceptable.

2.In-class Practice WODs

I didn’t use AI and sometimes it wouldn’t complete WODs within the time limit.

3.In-class WODs

I basically use AI a lot in WODs,It greatly shortened my time, but it also had a negative impact. This is not my own real strength.The WODs only writing by yourself is the best for you.


Essays written by AI can only be used for reference.

5.Final project

The Final project does not use AI. At this time, it can only use its own experience and the knowledge it has learned. Here the disadvantages of AI will be exposed.

6.Learning a concept / tutorial

I’ve found that the majority of tutorials I’ve viewed have effectively taught me, rendering AI unnecessary for most tasks. However, I might turn to AI for assistance in troubleshooting if I encounter issues while following a tutorial, particularly if the problem is related to my system or file type.

7.Answering a question in class or in Discord

I generally don’t ask questions in Discord, but I will read the messages in discord because many people will have the same error. If it’s not solved yet, I’ll ask in class. There are many problems that AI cannot solve.

8.Asking or answering a smart-question

Same as above number 7 (AI is not the best premise for my problem)

9.Coding example

When looking for examples, I usually find the documentation to be the most helpful resource. If the documentation doesn’t meet my needs, I turn to searching for examples on Google, or find a video showing how to implement a different concept.

10.Explaining code

Most of the code that I write and use, I’m able to understand and explain to others. If the code was not written by me but got it from somewhere else, I would try to search for information to understand it.

11.Writing code

I generally don’t use AI to write code, because AI can’t write the code I want. If I really can’t write it, I will use the code written by AI as a reference.

12.Documenting code

I try to write most of my code so that I can go back and understand what I wrote. Letting AI write my code will confuse me in the future. What the AI writes basically does not match the code I need. However, the codes written by AI are all sourced from the Internet.

13.Quality assurance

I usually run ESLint, which I use to fix the formatting of my code, like indentation and spacing.

Other uses in ICS 314 not listed

I still feel that rather than asking AI to solve problems, it is better to find other people to ask questions that will solve problems faster and more effectively.

Impact on Learning and Understanding

I find AI can be helpful in some situations, but it still has a long way to go and it’s not perfect. AI can only play an auxiliary role in your learning. We still need to study hard

Practical Applications

In addition to the ics 314 course, I also use AI to find answers and summarize some articles. But its search results are not necessarily correct. AI is a good starting point in the sense that it is useful but should not be used as a be-all and end-all solution, especially for big problems. You need to have your own knowledge and discernment.

Challenges and Opportunities

I think if AI is used properly, it will help us a lot. But not all the answers AI gives to us are correct, which is very misleading to people who don’t understand it in the first place.

Comparative Analysis

While AI provides many answers, I wouldn’t rely too much on it. Because it is not perfect, not all information generated is correct or true. Traditional teaching, emphasizes face-to-face interaction with teachers and peers, cultivating a sense of community.Also learn knowledge in a more planned way.

Future Considerations

The future role of AI in software engineering education is promising, but also brings challenges and opportunities for improvement. The future of AI in software engineering education has the potential to completely transform the learning experience. However, it requires careful consideration of ethical implications, addressing challenges related to access and equity, and continuous improvements in technology to truly improve the educational environment for aspiring software engineers.


The impact on learning and understanding is noted, emphasizing that while AI can be helpful in certain situations, it is not a perfect solution and should be viewed as an auxiliary tool rather than a comprehensive answer to all problems. The practical applications of AI outside the ICS 314 course include searching for answers and summarizing articles, with caution expressed regarding the reliability of AI-generated results.